Von Willebrand Disease
Experts in the field of bleeding disorders will provide you the latest insights about treating patients with Von Willebrand Disease (VWD). The e-learning is divided into two modules. Each module has been accredited by NIV, VSR, and NVOG with 1 accreditation point.
Start: Personalized treatment of Von Willebrand DiseaseStart: Prophylactic treatment of Von Willebrand DiseaseE-learnings Von Willebrand Disease
Personalized treatment of Von Willebrand Disease
This module provides insights into improving the personalized treatment of VWD patients in clinical practice.
Start: e-learning module IProphylactic treatment of Von Willebrand Disease
This module focuses on the prophylactic treatment of VWD patients.
Start: e-learning module II
Learning objectives
How personalized treatment of patients with VWD is implemented nationally and internationally in practice.
How to personalize treatment in various situations (on-demand, surgery or prophylactic) using available coagulation products.
National and international perspectives on independently dosing FVIII and VWF.
The benefits of a personalized treatment plan and factors to consider when creating such a plan for your VWD patients.
The extent to which patient characteristics, clinical situations, and bleeding risks influence the development of the treatment plan.
The latest developments for optimizing prophylactic treatment of VWD patients.
The consensus among diverse international guidelines on the prophylactic treatment of VWD patients.
The added value and consideration of prophylactic treatment of VWD.
Assessing eligibility of VWD patients for prophylactic treatment with VWF +/- FVIII.
The variances among the available coagulation factors in the context of prophylactic treatment for VWD patients
Prof. dr. S. Susen
Professor of haematology and director of the Hemostasis and Transfusion Department at Lille University Hospital, France
Dr. S.E.M. Schols
Internist-hematologist at Radboudumc Nijmegen
Prof. dr. W. Miesbach
Hematologist and Head coagulation disorders and comprehensive care center at University Hospital Frankfurt, Germany
Prof. dr. F.W.G. Leebeek (Chair)
Internist-hematologist and head of department Hematology at Erasmus MC Cancer Institute

Takeda Nederland B.V.
Postbus 31, 2130 AA Hoofddorp